Exploring Roots of the Science of Mind March 17 – May 19
This ten-week class explores the influences on Ernest Holmes that deeply influence our philosophy. It also gives students the opportunity to plant new seeds of thought and see them grow. This course is required for Practitioner Training; it is recommended that students have taken one foundational class first. The roots of Science of Mind run deep and wide, through the religions, philosophies, literature, legends, and science of humankind. They are Universal Truths, Universal Principles, which were encountered, recognized, synthesized, and structured into “a philosophy, a faith, a way of life,” and called the Science of Mind by an ardent young spiritual explorer named Ernest Holmes. A persistent questioner and rejecter of the accepted religious teachings of his day and culture, Ernest as a small boy was nicknamed “the eternal question box.”
Join Dr. Heather to explore the influence on Holmes of the great thinkers—Emerson, Troward and Hopkins while you conduct your own experiment in developing spiritual roots.
Class Title: Exploring Roots
Class Day and Time: Tuesday evenings: 7 PM to 10 PM
Class Duration: 10 Weeks
Class location: Center for Spiritual Living Capistrano Valley
Class facilitated by: Dr. Heather Clark
Class Tuition: Love offering
Class Materials: The Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes
Emerson’s Essays, Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science, Thomas Troward
Scientific Christian Mental Practice, Emma Curtis Hopkins