“Resolve to succeed. The greatest discovery one can make
is that nothing is impossible.” – Author Unknown Especially in keeping “On Theme”…”Freedom From all Discord
“…Rev Heather’s striking thought and talk Sunday…My Birthday present…and then some…
Let’s say there are people. One wants this, and the other wants something entirely different and they live together. And so it feels like somebody has to compromise, but nobody wants to. But what happens is person “A”, instead of thinking about what she wants and focusing on it completely and making her vibration one with it, which means the universe would deliver the ESSENCE of it swiftly, is looking at the other person saying, “I don’t like what you are doing”. So she is messing up her own vibrations. She is not a vibrational match to her dream by blaming the other person for her not having what she wants. And usually person “B” is doing the same thing.
Neither person is focused on what they want. Both are messing up their vibrations by worrying about what the other one wants.
Neither person is getting what they want and both are blaming each other.
The truth is that you cannot do anything about what the other person is doing, but you can clean up your vibration and when you do, the universe will yield to you in ways that you right now cannot even imagine. The universe will deliver the ESSENCE of what you want. Maybe not in the way you expected, but if you know the ESSENCE of what you want (how you want to feel and what you want to experience after you have it) the universe will deliver that because that is what you really want.
You don’t have to let go of your dream but you do have to identify the ESSENCE of the dream and hold to that. In other words, when you think about what you want and why you want it, it is easier for you to offer that single pure vibration than when you try to identify who is going to bring it, how it is going to come, when it is going to come, where it is going to come, etc.
When you ask those questions you split your vibration. You don’t get what you want and then you blame the other person.
When you get to the heart of why you want something and get in vibrational alignment with that, you will always attract the ESSENCE of what you want.
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress – IF YOU KNOW IT! No matter how large or small, please recognize it and be Grateful. Hey…It only takes a moment to pick up the penny… and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow of Positive Energy and Goodness.
To New Beginnings Together!
Are You Ready To Celebrate Life…and BE the Best that YOU can BE?
I NOW invite YOU to Celebrate LIFE…Let’s Talk …with Your 30 minute complimentary Consultation!
To Our Health, Well-BEING, and Empowerment Together!
Much Love & GOD’s Blessings!
PS: Remember if you don’t do anything – if you don’t change the way
your mind works and direct your subconscious mind to create the
life you want – everything stays the same – nothing changes. This
is your life – make the most of it…NOW!
your mind works and direct your subconscious mind to create the
life you want – everything stays the same – nothing changes. This
is your life – make the most of it…NOW!
“There is a mighty Power within you. There is that Spirit of Life, Light, and Love. The more you feast on these ideas and fast from old corrosive ones, the closer you experience the Life you desire.” -Frank Richelieu, The Art of Being Yourself
Rhonda Maria Farrah, MA, DRWA
The Wellness Institute International
Licensed Teacher
The Art of Feminine Presence™
Author of the Forthcoming Book
How To Forgive, Live & LOVE During The Process of Divorce…
A Journey In Healing & Transformation
Speak Up, The World Is Listening