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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

What would living an inspired life look like for you? Recently we had the amazing Gino Walker treat us to her interpretation of what this means. I am in total agreement with every word she spoke. To listen to her amazing and energizing message see below:

When Gino asked us to pick a word that we could use to live that inspired life, I picked the word “Open.” It is  a word to which I have aspired for a long, long time.

Merriam Webster defines aspire as: “to seek to attain or accomplish a particular goal” 

Our aspirations are the longings of our hearts. When we embody the consciousness of that to which we aspire, we will manifest proof of that embodiment. Circumstances, people and events will show you what you have been accepting as true about you and about life. It is wonderful when the Universe gives us proof that the consciousness that we are envisioning is manifesting. 

Many years ago, I was teaching English in  a secondary school in Alberta, Canada. One of the activities I did with the students was to encourage them to write in their journals every day. I would then read them and make encouraging comments. At the time, one of my favorite affirmations was: “I am open and receptive to seeing the good in everyone. Life is for me.” I said my affirmations at home or in the privacy of my car. Therefore, I was completely surprised when one of my students wrote back to me, how grateful they were that I was so ‘open and receptive’ to their ideas. 
During Wednesday’s Wisdom, when I was sharing my word with the rest of the participants, almost all of them said, “Yes, you are!”  I am deeply grateful that openness continues to manifest.
How are you growing your consciousness? Are you reminding yourself that Divine Mind is all-knowing, filled with limitless possibilities? Are you then receptive to new ideas when you hear them?
I believe that is one of the keys to a happy, fulfilled life. Listen to the longings of your heart, plant the seed of those longings already fulfilled, and then watch for the harvest.
We are powerful beyond measure, called to live on purpose in the spiritual truth.
And so it is.