As Science of Mind students, we know “thoughts are things;” thoughts create the very foundation that anchors our lives. In fact, the two most powerful spiritual practices prescribed are affirmative prayer and affirmations, both designed to remind ourselves, using words, how Divine we are.
We also know that while our being is Divine Perfection, we are not always perfect. We make mistakes in thoughts and actions. And sometimes thoughts pop up that really don’t empower us to live our best life.
So, what if we let the first thought just be and
instead, take responsibility for the second thought?
For example, let’s say our first thought in the morning is “I’m so tired.” If we follow it up with “I didn’t sleep well. Ugh, this is going to make for a long day. I’m going to need an extra cup of coffee,” we firmly plant that idea into our consciousness. Instead, what if we allowed the first thought, “I’m so tired” to just be there and float into the ethers (similar to thoughts in our meditation practice)? Then, we can make the second thought the one that really counts.
We can use it as an opportunity to focus on something we are really excited about for the day or to say a favorite affirmation, consciously guiding and directing our day and life to empower our dreams and goals.
Let’s play a little game this month. If you are on social media (Twitter, Facebook or Instagram) post your second, more empowering thought with #secondthoughtcslcv and let’s support each other’s second thoughts.
I hope you all have a wonderful December!