Starting with the Ending

Here we are in the first days of 2014, a new year, a new beginning. Vision boards are still drying or are even still to be considered.  New Year’s Resolutions have been made and forgotten, released, refined and some are already fulfilled.   Is it too soon to start completing 2014? Well, yes it is.…

Joy in the Present with a Vision for the Future

The seed is the plant. “Just as it is and just as it is not.” Oh how those words said at the end of Service seemed to contradict each other. I have vague memories of turning to my husband, eyes rolled and saying “well, that pretty much covers everything now doesn’t it.” So it just…


To my spiritual family… There is no closing door that can refuse Life nothing that can staunch Its movement. It has forever been a river whose origin is Divine and it flows inexorably back to that Ocean. Once upon a lifetime I believed I could hold each moment as an exquisite jewel, that the Universe was no…

What To Do When You Are Filled With Gratitude

After class on Tuesday night I was filled with gratitude, joy and awe and stepped out into the parking lot to view this full moon peeking behind the scattered clouds. It was so beautiful, I just wanted to take it in, to experience its magnificence. I was filled with gratitude and I wanted to share…

A Gratitude List and the Law of Attraction

Looking for things to be grateful for retrains the brain and lifts our vibration to live the good life. Keeping a gratitude list is not a new idea. For years, I heard about it from a variety of sources.  Most commonly, the prescribed gratitude list included 5 items or occurrences each day. I would keep…