When I asked Dr. Heather for some insight into this month’s 100 Years of Science of Mind theme, Spiritual Wisdom and How to Follow It, she shared with me this beautiful story of enlightenment during her spiritual journey. It reminds us to give ourselves the same grace we give others and offers a simple question Dr. Heather asks herself when she needs a little more clarity.
From Dr. Heather:
spiritual wisdom I can offer is that every person is a valued and a valuable expression of
the Divine, starting with myself.
have made mistakes and still see their spiritual magnificence. It has not
always been so easy to remember for myself.
aware of the fact that I often leave myself out of the equation was in the 80’s
at a spiritual class called “On Course” given by Michael and Paulette Sun. There were about fifty
people in the course. We had been expressing our goals and the beliefs that
were getting in the way of achieving those goals.
by each person’s sharing. I saw the light in each one of them. When it came to
my turn to share, I could not see any of the beliefs I had about myself that
had gotten in my way. I had lots of guilt about my mistakes and lots of blame
about it too.
person’s sharing. He said, “You really see the spiritual truth in all these
people don’t you, Heather?” I readily agreed. Then he said, “But you don’t see
it in yourself, do you?” Again I agreed. The next thing he said shocked me.
said, ”Do you have any idea how arrogant it is?”
say, “You believe that God is everywhere present except in you! That means that
you believe that you are more powerful than God!”
or at least to protest, but after thinking about it, I realized it is exactly
what I had been doing. I was awash with tears, good tears, the tears
of awakening.
remind myself is simply to ask myself, “Could this belief or behavior be true about God?” Almost always
the answer is, “Of course not.” So I
adjust my thinking which puts me in alignment with spiritual wisdom