If you follow this blog regularly, you know that nearly every day in 2013 you were greeted with new-thought insight and inspiration from one of our 10 committed bloggers. As a group, we discovered that blogging can be a spiritual practice. With our intention and attention on principle, we shared our individual expressions of Spiritual Living. Throughout the year we opened our hearts and minds to what was coming up for us and how we were mindfully and attentively processing it. Perspectives shifted. Lives expanded. And, as a result, we noticed demonstration after demonstration of our power to co-create this beautiful life.
I personally loved getting to know each blogger. Each day of the week, I came to this blog eager to receive what each writer had to share, and there were so many “aha” moments!
So on this day…the second day of 2014…I honor my friends who walk this blogging journey with me ~ Dr. Heather, Rev. Pattie, Rev. Karyn, Darin, Lisa, September, Vidette, Melissa, and Robin. I know we all sat at our computers often thinking,”What the heck am I going to write about this time?” We prayed. We noticed. And with faith we just started typing. Spirit never failed to come through with something wonderful, written in just the right way to touch others.
And I give thanks for all our guest bloggers who gave us the best of themselves. Thank you for joining our journey and come back often! You are always welcome here.
I acknowledge each one who read the words we wrote and discovered a little more love or courage or peace. We are all in this together folks; more alike than we are different. Our shared blogging experience proved that what one person has the courage to express benefits others.
We will continue in 2014. But for today, if you need a little inspiration, I encourage you to check out one of the many blog-post topics listed to the right in red. There is a lot of wisdom in those words.