You may think that the lessons from Santa include the advice of the song: 

You better be good, You better not cry, You better not pout, I’m telling you why…Santa Claus is coming to town.” 

However, the lessons that I want to talk about are the lessons in clarity  Santa showed us last Sunday. We had Christmas brunch at Adele’s. The children were excited. the adults were having a good time visiting with friends.  Santa was very clear about who he was (the star of the show,) and what he expected. He explained how it would be. Santa was very clear. There was no talking among the adults. The children were very quiet. Santa read them “The Night Before Christmas” and when the children started to join in, he let them know that it was his story to tell. He was friendly when the children were getting their presents, but he made them promise that they wouldn’t open any presents until he gave the word. They all opened their gifts at the same time, and then they cleaned up the wrapping paper! It was amazing to watch him. He was a jolly Santa and there was no doubt in  anyone’s mind, who was in charge.

  1. Santa at Adele’s 12/14/14

    But what about you? What about me? Do we know that we are in charge of our lives? Do you remember to watch your thoughts? Do you remember to watch your words? Do you remember that you are always co-creating out of your inner beliefs?
  2. This is a great time of year for all of us to remember that it is up to us.
  3. If you feel that life happens to you, you will be victimized.
  4. If you feel that life happens, by means of you, you will feel exhausted trying to keep it all together.
  5. But if you feel that life happens through and as you, you will feel empowered and enlivened. Let’s choose our to use that One Power in intelligent ways.