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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

Christmas 2013 is but a happy memory. It was a day full of
activity, but the activity was focused around people we love, making it one of
the best days of the year.
Now, we are turning to another favorite holiday: New Year’s
Eve. I love this day because it presents an opportunity to reflect on the past
twelve months – what worked, what didn’t – and make changes as we enter the New
It’s like cleaning the slate to set our intention on what we really want
to see happen in our lives.
Such powerful stuff – but only if you take the time to do
it. Set the priority, do the homework, and see the results.
The Center for Spiritual Living Capistrano Valley is
offering a really cool tool to help with that process of reflection and
intention: a Burning Bowl and Labyrinth at the Center on Dec 31.
Here are the details from the Center’s Facebook page:

For many of us, New Year’s Eve is a time to turn inward and reflect. We examine our lives and explore those parts that no longer serve us — preparing to release them. At the same time, we look ahead to the New Year, allowing our ideas and thoughts to form a picture of our lives as we intend them to be — welcoming in the wonderful newness.

This year, the Center is hosting a Burning Bowl Ceremony and Labyrinth Walk to assist you in this spiritual practice. The sanctuary, with Labyrinth will open at 7 p.m. on New Year’s Eve beginning with the Burning Bowl.

For this segment of the ritual, you will meditate at your own pace, and write on a piece of paper all of the things that no longer serve you. You release these thoughts, placing them in the Burning Bowl. As you then walk the Labyrinth, enter with the energy of surrender. As you approach the center, you approach illumination. As you walk out, you embrace your new life.

The sanctuary will remain open and available until midnight.

It starts at 7:00PM, so those of you who have other plans will still have time to go out and ring in the New Year. Alternatively, the sanctuary will be open until midnight. 
What better way to welcome 2014 than in the midst of spiritual practice?
Either way, I hope to see you