wheat swaying in wind

Meditation is a spiritual practice in and of itself, and it warrants it’s own day on the spiritual lifestyle journey.

Meditation is the act of settling the mind

so we can gain a clearer path to our inner wisdom, our Intuition.  Meditation is the lifeforce of spiritual growth and should be done every day, even if for five minutes a day.

Today’s Spiritual Principle:  Meditation


“Meditation is painful in the beginning, but bestows immortal bliss and supreme joy in the end.” Swami Sivananda


Today I dedicate myself to meditating everyday for at least five minutes knowing that the benefits will reveal themselves.


Sit for five minutes.  On a chair without crossing your legs or arms.  Find something in the room or in nature and set your gaze.  Concentrate, comfortably, on that thing for 5 minutes.  What is it’s color?  What drew you to it?  What does it remind you of?  What feelings are evoked when looking at the object?

Simply contemplate the object for five minutes.

If any thoughts arise, become aware of them, let them go, and return your attention to the object.

This is the start of meditation. When you notice that 5 minutes has flown by, consider increasing the time. Another good technique to try is focusing your attention on your breath.

facebookAsk your questions on meditation, or ask for guidance on how to start meditating on our “Journeyers” Facebook page!

Learn practices to help ease you into meditation and feel confident the practice will result in the life-changing results that have been experienced for thousands of years!

Practices and Principles shared on the 21-Day Journey provided by:

Photograph provided by:

vv bluesheathCenter for Spiritual Living – Capistrano Valley member, Vidette Vanderweide (www.VidetteVanderweide.com)

juliCenter for Spiritual Living – Capistrano Valley member, Juli Isola (www.JuliIsolaPhotography.com)