surfer in sunset

Our culture has taught us not to dream so big….”to be realistic.”

Spiritual living becomes a lifestyle for millions of people around the world because dreaming and visioning is at it’s core.  When we allow ourselves to dream bigger, we start acting, speaking and thinking differently creating a more vibrant life.

We raise our consciousness, we feel more joyful, we gain perspective, and then, it all repeats again….we continue to up-level our thinking, our actions and our words.

Then, we start to see beautiful things appearing in our lives.  Dreaming gets us out of the “status quo” and into the extraordinary.

Here’s the amazing beauty of your dream:  if it is in your consciousness and it fills your soul to imagine it; it’s yours to do with the help of your intuition!! It would NOT be a thought in your mind, if you didn’t have the wisdom and knowledge within to create it.  You create it by listening to the wisdom and knowledge of your intuition and act on it.

Today’s Spiritual Principle:  Dare to Dream


“If you can dream it, you can do it.” Walt Disney


Today, I dare to dream bigger than I ever have, recognizing that what comes is mine to co-create with Spirit.


Go back to your journal entry on Day 2 of this Spiritual Lifestyle journey and read the vision you wrote for your life.  Now, today in your journal, expand that vision.  Dare to write the unbelievable knowing that intuition is illogical. If you find yourself questioning or negating the vision, know that your rational mind is in control.  Let it go, and turn back to your intuition and write the most illogical, expansive vision you can imagine.

Now ask your intuition, “What is my first step towards creating this?”

Act on what you are guided to do.

Practitioner and Visioning Expert, September Warren

Practitioner and Visioning Expert, September Warren

Dare to dream bigger in a Visioning Session with September Warren and allow yourself to truly get clear on what your dream is.

A personal visioning session allows you to open up to Spirit within and allow It to work you through you to clarify your vision, know what must be released within you to have it, and to expand your own idea of what you are hear to do in this lifestyle! These sessions are powerful tools to opening up your life purpose.  Email September at:september.warren (at) gmail (dot) com.

Practices and Principles shared on the 21-Day Journey provided by:

Photograph provided by:

vv bluesheathCenter for Spiritual Living – Capistrano Valley member, Vidette Vanderweide (

juliCenter for Spiritual Living – Capistrano Valley member, Juli Isola (