Rocks on beach

Intuition is Spirit within speaking directly to you.  It can be such a small voice that you feel so deeply, but the loud, boasting voice of your rational mind may manipulate your attention from that inner feeling to actions that are completely opposite of that small voice.

When we live by the guidance of our rational mind, we live in chaos, struggle and unfulfillment.  When we live by the guidance of Spirit and intuition, we live in joy, creativity and fulfillment.  Intuitive guidance is completely illogical to your rational mind.

It may not make any sense, but you will just know.  It will feel  right.  Guidance from your rational mind will feel logical…like it makes sense and is the obvious next step.

Logical guidance keeps you in the same consciousness of the life you are living.  Living intuitively and being intuitive are two different things.  Living intuitively is acting on the sometimes illogical guidance with the knowing that it is right for you.

It’s trusting that silent voice within.


Today’s Spiritual Principle:  Intuition


“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”  Steve Jobs



Today, I am awake to my intuition’s whispers. I trust it’s input and know that I am always guided to my highest and best good.


Start to experience your intuition today and follow every guidance it gives.  Start with easy things to follow like asking, “What will I have for breakfast today?” Whatever you are guided to do, do it!  “How will I drive to work today?”  Allow your intuition to guide you on the left turns and right turns and maybe take you on a completely different journey to work.  Ask yourself, “What would I love to do right now?” and follow divine guidance.

Our home in San ClementeWant to learn to be more intuitive?

Join a class at the Center for Spiritual Living – Capistrano Valley and learn how to use your intuition and to “tune” in to that silent voice within.

CLICK HERE to learn more about classes offered at the Center.

Practices and Principles shared on the 21-Day Journey provided by:

Photograph provided by:

vv bluesheathCenter for Spiritual Living – Capistrano Valley member, Vidette Vanderweide (

juliCenter for Spiritual Living – Capistrano Valley member, Juli Isola (