We Live in an Abundant Universe

Abundance of Apricots Directly in front of my kitchen window is an apricot tree reminding me of the Universal presence of Spirit’s abundance. She has so much fruit that she is constantly releasing fruit which by morning is covering my backyard. This bounty would feed a family of four all winter if one knew how…

The Greatest Healing Power

Recently I saw a news story that touched me deeply. I think it is a universal message of being connected to everyone and everything. It is a true story which is still going on in Whittier, CA. It is about Ed Gernon, who opened his heart to a feral dog, and gave him a home.…

No need to Jump through Hoops

Do you have a belief, either conscious or unconscious, that you need to meet certain criteria to be spiritually acceptable?  Many of of were taught that there was a God somewhere judging our every action and thought! He was particularly interested in our sinful, perhaps lusty thoughts. Then at the end of your life you would…

Will The Real Love Please Stand UP…NOW?!

With February Being the LOVE month…with Valentine’s Day having just been celebrated…by a large number of us…with chocolate covered strawberries, roses, Cupid’s arrow, and those proverbial Hallmark wishes…Let’s Talk About Love! Let’s talk about Truth…NOW! …’cause Love is in the air! Remember last week’s blog?… Our primary relationship is with ourselves. When we love ourselves…

Would You Be Your Valentine?!

So…Do YOU Love YourSelf…Would You Be Your Valentine?! When you are strong enough to love yourself 100%, good and bad, you will be amazed at the opportunities that life presents you.  –Unknown Loving YourSelf is the single most important principle…on this planet… in the creation process. If you don’t love yourself, it is likely that…

Let’s Peace the World Together

I LOVE this picture! It shows Krishna, Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus and Moses holding hands. They have hearts in their hands! The title of the picture is “Let’s Peace the World Together.”  Some of the golden threads of truth that run through all religions is Love and Peace. What a great time of year to remember to…

Ridding the Self of Ideals of Perfection

Jack Kornfield writes: “We fragment our life and divide ourselves from it, when we hold to ideals of perfection.” You are like a full box of chocolates The idea of accepting ourselves just the way we are is not a new idea. In ancient China, the Third Zen Patriarch taught that, ‘True enlightenment and wholeness…

You Are Invited to Participate

First Service in San Clemente 2013 Do you love the Center for Spiritual Living Capistrano Valley?Would you like to participate in the success of this center?Do you consider this Center to be your spiritual home?If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, please join your spiritual family for a very special event.On Sunday, November…