Life is Like a Box of Crayons

Enter into the joy of creating. Do you remember the excitement and joy of a brand new box of crayons? Whether it was the box of 8 or the mongo 64 count with the sharpener in the back of the box, I sure remember the thrill. The thrill came from the infinite promise, the possibilities,…

The Spiritual Practice of Enjoying Yourself

I will stand on my own making my own choices. I am at choice and I choose joy. I have a confessions to make. It seems that whenever I make a choice to really seek wisdom, guidance, some kind of great revelation the message is always the same. The message is “will you just lighten…

Forgiveness is the Ultimate Untapped Super Power

“Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned.” ~Buddha It’s hard to dodge that topic of forgiveness. It doesn’t matter what spiritual tradition you follow someone is asking you to be forgiving. If you are searching for healing, mental,…

Intention Without Action is Not Enough

ACTION! Not action on the movie screen but action in our own lives… Action towards our own personal dreams! Today’s entry from the Joyous Living Journal is Action and it starts off by saying: “Intention, without action, is not enough.  Decide, act, move in the world with confidence, knowing you are coming from and toward your…

Disconnection is the Root of All Violence

The beauty we see in nature is the same beauty we must know in ourselves and each other.Photo credit: Darin R. McClure I was really inspired by a story I read about a teacher’s response to the dreadful events at Columbine. This teacher recognized that “all violence begins with disconnection.” She knew that bigger problems…