Sunday Affirmation: The Web We Weave

I am a weaver,  weaving love, compassion and connection  with every touch of my Being.  Much like a spider  with a golden thread  uniting perfectly chosen points for greater expansion,  I touch people and create community.  I know every person in my web is there on purpose  and divinely chosen for my most magnificent experience. …

The 3 Words that Changed My Life

Miracles happen everyday…if you notice them. They can be small or the “miracles” that are shared on mass media…the big ones.  The unforeseen unbelievable ones. We can ask for miracles, however, I recently ready three  words that changed the way I approach everything…EVERYTHING! I was reading Carolyn Myss’s book, “Anatomy of Spirit” and three words…

28 Day Prosperity Prayer

Dr. John Waterhouse This past weekend, Centers for Spiritual Living President, John Waterhouse shared a wonderful talk at our Sunday service. He shared a beautiful abundance prayer that we wrote about in Science of Mind Magazine in September 2012. He challenges us to say the prayer, multiple times a day, for 28 days.  He had…

Effective Prayer Starts With You

Rev. Dr  Heather Clark Why aren’t my prayers answered? Does the Big Daddy have something against me? NO! I don’t think so. The aspect of the Divine that answers prayers is impersonal “gives to all alike.” And is crazy about Its Creation — me and you!. So if my prayers are not answered, then it…