Committing to a Creative Process

Maybe artists are instinctively drawn to a creative process? The topic of “Process” has been on my mind a lot lately. Recently while watching a video on illustrative design the instructor said something which stuck with me for days. “It is said that practice makes perfect. I disagree. If your creative process is flawed then…

A Dog’s Life

A Dog’s Life I’ve always been blessed to have dogs in my life. I often say I’d like to come back in my next life as my dog. After having spent the last 44 years of my life with dogs I’ve come to believe one of the many reasons dogs were meant to be human…

No Need to Keep It Secret

Recently I was asked to bless our new business neighbors, Evolution Hospitality. The president of the company asked about our Center, what we believed, and what denomination we were. I answered that we are spiritual, honoring the golden thread of truth that flows through all religions, and that we believed that consciousness was creative. Immediately…

Are You Living Like the World is Flat?

That’s a deep thought on the image…what does it even mean? Last night I started a new class at The Center for Spiritual Living – Capistrano Valley.  I have been taking classes for a couple of years now and they have transformed my life… …that said, last night’s class BLEW my mind!  It literally pushed…

Finding Self Worth in the Process, not the Product

In preschool and in life, the value is in the process. When my daughter started preschool, her teacher reminded parents nearly every day, “Process,  not product” with regard to art projects. So, she brought home messy, random, child-created art, rather than in-the-lines colored rainbows or perfectly glued collages. The preschool teacher explained that each art…

Chit Happens

End of the road or path to enlightenment?  Everything is Consciousness.  This statement or State of Being is what we know as metaphysicians.  What exactly it means has absolutely no charge whatsoever.  It just Is. When it comes to analysis of our lives, we tend to look for reasons why certain things happen to us.  We’ve…